Sunday, July 27, 2014

Praise for The League

At its outset, The League seemed like it would be another generic comedy show that delivered one or two big laughs but never really blossomed into anything worth your time. The premise of a bunch of guys addicted to fantasy football doesn't seem very fresh. However, The League quite quickly showed its true colors as a comedic force. It may never reach the heights of Louie or Modern Family, but The League is an oft ignored laughter goldmine. The writers consistently come up with engaging plots, and the cast is fantastic.

It is difficult to pin down which character brings the most laughter. Andre, Paul Scheer, is a classic dope. He is consistently and hilariously lame. The best thing about Andre is he gives everyone else a nice big target to aim at. Taco, Jon Lajoie, is also excellent. He is the Kramer of the group. His mannerisms are so strange that either the writers are creative masterminds or he is based on a real person (also like Kramer, thanks to Cracked for this).

Everyone brings something to the table. Comedy Central made a great choice giving the man who plays Ruxin, Nick Kroll, his own show. On The Kroll Show, he brings to life a ton of different characters and is joined by a recurring star on The League: Jason Mantzoukas.

Mantzoukas' character: Rafi is my nomination for best character on The League. He comes on screen like an whirlwind of depravity fueled by equal parts drugs and innate insanity. Rafi's sole purpose is to be endlessly disgusting and horrible and somehow it has become the highlight of an already great show.

Cheers to The League, keep up the good work.

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